Monday, March 15, 2010

Roni - Week 10 - the final hurrah

The end is in sight. But wow, the ride getting to the end has been a doozy! As my fellow team members have stated in their posts, we've had our ups and downs as a group. All-in-all, I've enjoyed the process, despite the frustrations. We have a concept we all like and agree upon, and one we feel we can sink our teeth into. It's unfortunate that we came up with this particular concept so near the end of the process, but at least we came up with something that we would like to see expanded upon.

I've had a similar experience to what Kelsey talked about in her post: as I'm working on compiling our group notes into the powerpoint, it's an interesting challenge to make the presentation interesting, but not too long. What are the key words that will help sell our ideas? What is the most succinct and clear way to say what we mean?

I'd like to give a little shout-out to Google Docs. My group has been using them since day one, and it's been a very good method for us to stay on the same page. We've had two "running conversation" kind of documents, where we've posted thoughts/questions/ideas to the group, as well as expounded on ideas from our group meetings. I posted the powerpoint template I created earlier and we've all been able to look at it and edit or comment so that it's a much more manageable task.

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