Monday, March 8, 2010

Joshua Nuernberger, Week 9

Going into the final stretch, there's always one important question that needs to be answered: is it fun? Games, at their core, no matter how much extraneous material they may have, still thrive on that one important aspect of enjoyment. You can strip away all the art direction, story, level design, character banter, but there still needs to be that one element in a game that makes a player say: Yes, I want to play this game.

Taking a step back at a project from this perspective puts many features in a new light. Sometimes unabashed intentions can be seen as distinctly good-hearted, but not necessarily fun. So, in that respect, it's useful to look at everything in a game as either supportive to that element of fun, or not supportive.

The bottom line is a useful one: Do you want to play this game? And is it fun?

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