Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nick - Week 9

As we move toward the end of the process, looking back, one of the biggest frustrations with this process has been turning a story and visuals into a game. It is one thing to come up with great ideas and our group has come up with many of them, however when we try to think of the concept as a game, it falls flat. Even now, as we find ourselves almost starting from square one, there are a number of cool paths we could travel, but as I am trying to visualize different scenarios placing them into a 10+ hour gaming experience seems difficult. Also, with still trying to finalize the story (and a massive rewrite in the near future), it has been hard, as a visual artist, to really nail down a world. Every tweak of the story requires a tweak in the design and some changes, an entire redesign of the visual scheme of the world. With the deadline looming, I feel we’ll be lucky to have a concrete story and what will suffer is the accompanying world which will seem generic since there was no time to adjust the details and idiosyncrasies of the world. Although the primary focus on the class is narrative, it still is a little frustrating as a designer. However, I do remain hopefully that tomorrow our group will finally find the story we have been wanting to tell from the beginning and we can make it look beautiful and relatively fleshed out visually.

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